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Sandtrap Open

Presenting the cheque to Jim Marino, centre, of the Niagara Children’s Centre Foundation, was Sandtrap Pub & Grill owners Paul and Matthew Dietsch. The annual Sandtrap Open golf tournament raised $4,000, which was donated to both the Niagara Children’s Centre Foundation and the Ronald McDonald House Charities. A representative from the Ronald McDonald House Charities was unable to attend the cheque presentation.

This article was written by; Melissa Mangelsen As published in the Niagara Advance; Wednesday, October 16, 2013 12:10:05 EDT PM

Sandtrap Pub & Grill, for the second year, were able to present a cheque to the Niagara Children’s Centre Foundation and the Ronald McDonald House Charities because of the money raised at the Sandtrap Open.

With the support of the golfers and those who contributed, the golf tournament raised $4,000, which was split between the two charities.

Matthew Dietsch, who owns Sandtrap Pub & Grill with his brother Paul, said they wanted to find an event they could do within the community to give back. For Matthew the two chosen charities were only logical for him.

“Both of those charities have helped out my family in the past and present, so we wanted to give back to them to say thank you,” he said.

Jim Marino of the Niagara Children’s Centre Foundation, was on hand to receive the cheque from Matthew and Paul.

“It’s donations like this that allow our therapists to continue to work their miracles,” he said. “We work with more than 3,000 children each year from the 12 municipalities in Niagara. We provide adolescents and children who have physical, developmental or communicative disabilities with therapy and other services.”

The Ronald McDonald House Charities provides a home away from home for the families of seriously ill children who are staying at nearby hospitals.

While both charities do receive some financial aid, they both rely on the support of individual donors, corporations and charitable groups in their communities to continue to grow, expand and offer their services.

This year’s golf tournament drew 74 golfers, which was the maximum number of golfers.

“It’s been sold out every year. It’s great to see. We actually have a waiting list of people who want to play in it,” said Matthew.

“We just really want to thank our supporters, the Dietsch family and those who contribute,” said Marino.

Click to make a donation to the Ronald McDonald House Charities

Click to donate to the Niagara Children’s Centre Foundation